El grupo de trabajo de Esófago-Estómago-Duodeno (EED) fue constituido en 1999 y desde entonces agrupa a los socios de AEG interesados en la fisiología y las enfermedades de los órganos mencionados, y recoge algunas otras patologías gastroenterológicas que pueden afectar a tramos más distales del tubo digestivo.
El grupo de trabajo de EED integra a los socios de AEG interesados en la fisiología y las enfermedades de numerosas enfermedades del tubo digestivo. Las principales entidades que han nutrido su desarrollo investigador son la patología péptica, la hemorragia digestiva, la infección por Helicobacter pylori, la enfermedad celiaca y la patología infiltrativa eosinofílica. También se han sumado iniciativas para el estudio de las lesiones preneoplásicas esófago-gástricas, las causticaciones digestivas y una miscelánea de trastornos menos frecuentes, con origen en el tubo digestivo. Quedan fuera de esta área la enfermedad inflamatoria intestinal, las técnicas endoscópicas, los procesos oncológicos y los desórdenes mayores de la motilidad, cada uno de los cuales posee un grupo de trabajo específico dentro de AEG. El grupo mantiene lazos estrechos con la Sociedad Española de Enfermedad Celiaca y colabora, compartiendo espacio y reuniones con el Grupo de Trabajo en Neurogastroenterología.
El grupo de Esófago-Estómago-Duodeno de AEG ha promovido estudios colaborativos nacionales e internacionales publicados en revista de alto impacto. Son especialmente relevantes aquellos vinculados al proyecto del Registro Europeo sobre Helicobacter pylori -HpEuReg- (https://www.aegastro.es/p/hpeureg/), y al más reciente sobre Esofagitis Eosinofílica -EoE CONNECT-, también de ámbito europeo. El primero de ellos ha dado lugar a decenas de comunicaciones científicas en reuniones de ámbito nacional e internacional, así como a más de 20 publicaciones científicas de elevado impacto, que pueden ser consultadas en la página web de AEG (https://www.aegastro.es/p/hpeureg/#hpeureg-publications). Ambos siguen abiertos en la actualidad, con nuevas iniciativas investigadoras. El Grupo promueve otros estudios colaborativos multicéntricos como el proyecto REiBECA (Registro Iberoamericano de lesiones por cáusticos) o el estudio CIE-2 (colitis isquémica en España), Se ha editado una Guía de Práctica Clínica sobre la Enfermedad por Reflujo Gastroesofágico en el adulto, que ha sido revisada en 2019 a través de un Documento de Actualización (https://www.aegastro.es/documents/pdf/REFLUJO-GASTROESOFÁGICO-1.pdf). Los coordinadores del grupo han participado en Conferencias de Consenso nacionales e internacionales para el diagnóstico y tratamiento del Helicobacter pylori y Esofagitis Eosinofílica, y otros integrantes del mismo han colaborado en las plataformas formativas AEGastrum (https://www.aegastro.es/p/aegastrum/) y PRODIGGEST (https://www.aegastro.es/p/prodiggest/) para la elaboración de protocolos asistenciales de manejo en diferentes patologías, en el ámbito de la Atención Primaria y Hospitalaria. Actualmente está proyectado un Máster en Enfermedad Celiaca en colaboración con SEEC.
La coordinadora actual es Pilar García Iglesias. Los coordinadores previos fueron por orden cronológico inverso Ángeles Pérez-Aísa, Javier Molina-Infante, Javier Pérez-Gisbert, Xavier Calvet, Enrique Quintero y Javier Alcedo González.
Cuando solicitas ser socio de AEG elige este grupo de trabajo en el formulario. Si ya eres socio de AEG, sólo has de entrar en al grupo de Esófago, Estómago y Duodeno y hacer click en el icono de “inscríbete a este grupo”
This prospective multicenter registry of the clinical practice of European gastroenterologists on the management of Helicobacter pylori infection and its treatment is supported by the European Helicobacter & Microbiota Study Group and the Asociación Española de Gastroenterología.
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(only countries with more than 100 patients included)
Click on the map icons to see the publications for each country.
Deza DC, Alcedo J, Lafuente M, López FJ, Perez-Aisa Á, Pavoni M, Tepes B, Jonaitis L, Castro-Fernandez M, Pabón-Carrasco M, Keco-Huerga A, Voynovan I, Bujanda L, Lucendo AJ, Jurecic NB, Denkovski M, Vologzanina L, Rodrigo L, Martínez-Domínguez SJ, Fadieienko G, Huguet JM, Abdulkhakov R, Abdulkhakov SR, Alcaide N, Velayos B, Hernández L, Bordin DS, Gasbarrini A, Kupcinskas J, Babayeva G, Gridnyev O, Leja M, Rokkas T, Marcos-Pinto R, Lerang F, Boltin D, Mestrovic A, Smith SM, Venerito M, Boyanova L, Milivojevic V, Doulberis M, Kunovsky L, Parra P, Cano-Català A, Moreira L, Nyssen OP, Megraud F, Morain CO, Gisbert JP; Hp-EuReg investigators. Probiotics prescribed with Helicobacter pylori eradication therapy in Europe: usage pattern, effectiveness, and safety: Results from the European Registry on Helicobacter pylori Management (Hp-EuReg). Am J Gastroenterol. In press
Viegas MI, Areia M, Elvas L, Marcos-Pinto R, Fernandes-Mendes H, Alves S, Brito D, Saraiva S, Cadime AT, Cano-Català A, Parra P, Moreira L, Megraud F, O'Morain C, Nyssen OP, Gisbert J. Effectiveness of First-line Empirical Treatment in Portugal: data from the European Registry on Helicobacter pylori Management (Hp-EuReg). GE Port J Gastroenterol. In press
Babayeva GH, Mahmudov UR, Mammadov EE, Guliyev FV, Verdiyev EK, Machanov UR, Ibishev RF, Huseynov HM, Zalov ZS, Ismayilova SY, Hasanov RA, Ibrahimli HI, Cano-Català A, Parra P, Moreira L, Nyssen OP, Mégraud F, O'Morain C, Gisbert JP. Effectiveness of first-line empirical treatment in Azerbaijan: results from the European Registry on Helicobacter pylori Management (Hp-EuReg). Scientific-practical journal named after A.Aliyev “The Medicine and Science”. 2024;2(36):34-47. https://n9.cl/tw7cw0
Olmedo L, Calvet X, Gené E, Bordin DS, Voynovan I, Castro-Fernandez M, Pabón-Carrasco M, Keco-Huerga A, Perez-Aisa Á, Lucendo AJ, Rodrigo L, Sarsenbaeva AS, Khlinov IB, Fadieienko G, Zaytsev O, Lanas Á, Martínez-Domínguez SJ, Alfaro E, Jonaitis L, Núñez Ó, Pellicano R, Hernández L, Gridnyev O, Kupcinskas J, Gasbarrini A, Boltin D, Niv Y, Babayeva G, Marcos-Pinto R, Tepes B, Venerito M, Papp V, Lerang F, Leja M, Phull PS, Marlicz W, Doulberis M, Smith SM, Milivojevic V, Kunovsky L, Mestrovic A, Matysiak-Budnik T, Simsek H, Cano-Català A, Puig I, Moreira L, Parra P, Nyssen OP, Megraud F, O'Morain C, Gisbert JP; Hp-EuReg investigators. Evolution of the use, effectiveness and safety of bismuth-containing quadruple therapy for Helicobacter pylori infection between 2013 and 2021: results from the European registry on H. pylori management (Hp-EuReg). Gut. 2024 Dec 10;74(1):15-25. DOI: 10.1136/gutjnl-2024-332804
Babayeva GH, Mahmudov UR, Mammadov EE, Guliyev FV, Verdiyev EKh, Machanov UR, Ibishev RF, Huseynov HM, Zalov ZS, Ismayilova SY, Hasanov RA, Ibrahimli HI, CanoCatalà A, Parra PP, Moreira L, Nyssen OP, Mégraud F, O'Morain C, Gisbert J. First-line therapy prescriptions in Azerbaijan: results from the European Registry on Helicobacter pylori management (Hp-EuReg). Scientific-practical journal named after A.Aliyev “The Medicine and Science”. 2024;1(35):55-65. https://n9.cl/oeo20
Křivinka J, Kunovský L, Vaculová J, Král J, Hrubá S, Šembera S, Tachecí I, Čavajdová P, Vašura A, Blaho M, Koňaříková P, Evinová E, Langner J, Vacková Z, Tesaříková P, Friedová N, Bauer P, Přidal D, Sychra P, Cano-Català A, Moreira L, Parra P, Mégraud F, O'Morain C, Nyssen O, Gisbert JP. First-line Helicobacter pylori empirical treatment in the Czech Republic (2019–2024) – initial insights from the European registry on H. pylori management (Hp-EuReg). Gastroent Hepatol. 2024;78(4):319–327. DOI: 10.48095/ccgh2024319
Huguet JM, Ferrer-Barceló L, Suárez P, Barcelo-Cerda S, Sempere J, Saracino IM, Fiorini G, Vaira D, Pérez-Aísa Á, Jonaitis L, Tepes B, Castro-Fernandez M, Pabón-Carrasco M, Keco-Huerga A, Voynovan I, Lucendo AJ, Lanas Á, Martínez-Domínguez SJ, Alfaro Almajano E, Rodrigo L, Vologzanina L, Bordin DS, Gasbarrini A, Babayeva G, Lerang F, Leja M, Kupčinskas J, Rokkas T, Marcos-Pinto R, Meštrović A, Gridnyev O, Phull PS, Smith SM, Boltin D, Buzás GM, Kral J, Şimşek H, Matysiak-Budnik T, Milivojevic V, Marlicz W, Venerito M, Boyanova L, Doulberis M, Capelle LG, Cano-Català A, Moreira L, Nyssen OP, Mégraud F, O'Morain C, Gisbert JP; Hp‐EuReg Investigators. Role of compliance in Helicobacter pylori eradication treatment: Results of the European Registry on H. pylori management. United European Gastroenterol J. 2024 Jul;12(6):691-704. DOI: 10.1002/ueg2.12569
Martínez-Domínguez SJ, Nyssen OP, Lanas Á, Alfaro E, Jonaitis L, Mahmudov U, Voynovan I, Gülüstan B, Rodrigo L, Fiorini G, Perez-Aisa Á, Tejedor-Tejada J, Tepes B, Vologzanina L, Mammadov E, Lerang F, Oğlu QFV, Bakulina NV, Abdulkhakov R, Tatiana I, Butler TJ, Sarsenbaeva AS, Bumane R, Lucendo AJ, Romano M, Bujanda L, Abdulkhakov SR, Zaytsev O, Pabón-Carrasco M, Keco-Huerga A, Denkovski M, Huguet JM, Perona M, Núñez Ó, Pavoni M, Fadieienko G, Alekseenko S, Smith SM, Hernández L, Kupcinskas J, Bordin DS, Leja M, Gasbarrini A, Gridnyev O, Cano-Català A, Parra P, Moreira L, Mégraud F, O'Morain C, Gisbert JP; Hp‐EuReg Investigators. Indications of Helicobacter pylori Eradication Treatment and Its Influence on Prescriptions and Effectiveness (Hp-EuReg). Helicobacter. 2024 Jul-Aug;29(4):e13111. DOI: 10.1111/hel.13111
Luzko I, Nyssen OP, Moreira L, Gisbert JP. Safety profile of Helicobacter pylori eradication treatments: literature review and updated data of the European Registry on Helicobacter pylori management (Hp-EuReg). Expert Opin Drug Saf. 2024 May;23(5):553-564. DOI: 10.1080/14740338.2024.2338245
Bujanda L, Nyssen OP, Ramos J, Bordin DS, Tepes B, Perez-Aisa A, Pavoni M, Castro-Fernandez M, Lerang F, Leja M, Rodrigo L, Rokkas T, Kupcinskas J, Jonaitis L, Shvets O, Gasbarrini A, Simsek H, Phull PS, Buzás GM, Machado JC, Boltin D, Boyanova L, Tonkić A, Marlicz W, Venerito M, Vologzanina L, Fadieienko GD, Fiorini G, Resina E, Muñoz R, Cano-Català A, Puig I, García-Morales N, Hernández L, Moreira L, Megraud F, Morain CO, Montes M, Gisbert JP; Hp-EuReg investigators; Hp-EuReg investigators. Effectiveness of Helicobacter pylori treatments according to antibiotic resistance. Am J Gastroenterol. 2024 Apr 1;119(4):646-654. DOI: 10.14309/ajg.0000000000002600
Pabón-Carrasco M, Keco-Huerga A, Castro-Fernández M, Saracino IM, Fiorini G, Vaira D, Pérez-Aísa Á, Tepes B, Jonaitis L, Voynovan I, Lucendo AJ, Lanas Á, Martínez-Domínguez SJ, Almajano EA, Rodrigo L, Vologzanina L, Brglez Jurecic N, Denkovski M, Bujanda L, Abdulkhakov RA, Huguet JM, Fernández-Salazar L, Alcaide N, Velayos B, Silkanovna Sarsenbaeva A, Zaytsev O, Ilchishina T, Barrio J, Bakulin I, Perona M, Alekseenko S, Romano M, Gravina AG, Núñez Ó, Gómez Rodríguez BJ, Ledro-Cano D, Pellicano R, Bogomolov P, Domínguez-Cajal M, Almela P, Gomez-Camarero J, Bordin DS, Gasbarrini A, Kupčinskas J, Cano-Català A, Moreira L, Nyssen OP, Mégraud F, O'Morain C, Gisbert JP; Hp-EuReg Investigators. Role of proton pump inhibitors dosage and duration in Helicobacter pylori eradication treatment: results from the European registry on H. pylori management (Hp-EuReg). United European Gastroenterol J. 2024 Feb;12(1):122-138. DOI: 10.1002/ueg2.12476
Pérez-Aisa A, Nyssen OP, Keco-Huerga A, Rodrigo L, Lucendo AJ, Gomez-Rodriguez BJ, Ortuño J, Perona M, Huguet JM, Núñez O, Fernandez-Salazar L, Barrio J, Lanas A, Iyo E, Mata Romero P, Fernández-Bermejo M, Gomez B, Garre A, Gomez-Camarero J, Lamuela LJ, Campillo A, de la Peña-Negro L, Dominguez Cajal M, Bujanda L, Burgos-Santamaría D, Bermejo F, González-Carrera V, Pajares R, Almela Notari P, Tejedor-Tejada J, Planella M, Jiménez I, Arguedas Lázaro Y, Cuadrado-Lavín A, Pérez-Martínez I, Amorena E, Gonzalez-Santiago JM, Angueira T, Flores V, Martínez-Domínguez SJ, Pabón-Carrasco M, Velayos B, Algaba A, Ramírez C, Alfaro Almajano E, Castro-Fernandez M, Alcaide N, Sanz Segura P, Cano-Català A, García-Morales N, Moreira L, Mégraud F, O’Morain C, Calvet X, Gisbert JP. Bismuth quadruple three-in-one single capsule three times a day increases effectiveness compared with the usual four times a day schedule: results from the European Registry on Helicobacter pylori Management (Hp-EuReg). Gut. 2023;72(11):2031-2037. DOI: 10.1136/gutjnl-2022-329259
Jonaitis P, Nyssen OP, Saracino IM, Fiorini G, Vaira D, Pérez-Aísa Á, Tepes B, Castro-Fernandez M, Pabón-Carrasco M, Keco-Huerga A, Voynovan I, Lucendo AJ, Lanas Á, Martínez-Domínguez SJ, Almajano EA, Rodrigo L, Vologzanina L, Brglez Jurecic N, Denkovski M, Bujanda L, Mahmudov U, Leja M, Lerang F, Babayeva G, Bordin DS, Gasbarrini A, Kupcinskas J, Gridnyev O, Rokkas T, Marcos-Pinto R, Phull PS, Smith SM, Tonkić A, Boltin D, Buzás GM, Šembera Š, Şimşek H, Matysiak-Budnik T, Milivojevic V, Marlicz W, Venerito M, Boyanova L, Doulberis M, Capelle LG, Cano-Català A, Moreira L, Mégraud F, O'Morain C, Gisbert JP, Jonaitis L. Comparison of the management of Helicobacter pylori infection between the older and younger European populations. Sci Rep. 2023;13(1):17235. DOI: 10.1038/s41598-023-43287-4
Nyssen OP, Pratesi P, Spínola MA, Jonaitis L, Pérez-Aísa Á, Vaira D, Saracino IM, Pavoni M, Fiorini G, Tepes B, Bordin D, Voynovan I, Lanas A, Martínez-Domínguez SJ, Alfaro E, Bujanda L, Castro-Fernández M, Hernández L, Gasbarrini A, Kupčinskas J, Lerang F, Smith S, Gridnyev O, Leja M, Rokkas T, Pinto RM, Tonkic A, Marlicz W, Milivojevic V, Simsek H, Kunovsky L, Papp V, Phull P, Venerito M, Boyanova L, Boltin D, Niv Y, Matysiak-Budnik T, Doulberis M, Dobru D, Lamy V, Capelle LG, Nikolovska Trpcevska E, Moreira L, Cano-Català A, Parra P, Megraud F, O'Morain C, Ortega GJ, Gisbert JP, On behalf of the Hp-EuReg Investigators. Analysis of clinical phenotypes through machine learning of first-line H.pylori treatment in Europe during the period 2013-2022: Data from the European Registry on H.pylori Management (Hp-EuReg). Antibiotics (Basel).2023;12,1427. DOI: https://www.mdpi.com/2079-6382/12/9/1427
N García-Morales, A Pérez-Aisa, G Fiorini, B Tepes, M Castro-Fernández, AJ Lucendo, I Voynovan, L Bujanda, A Garre, L Rodrigo, SJ Martínez-Domínguez, M Denkovski, JM Huguet, L Jonaitis, R Bumane, O Zaytsev, P Mata Romero, J Barrio, L Fernández-Salazar, AS Sarsenbaeva, I Ortiz, S Alekseenko, IM Saracino, D Vaira, A Keco-Huerga, D Bordin, A Gasbarrini, F Lerang, T Rokkas, J Kupcinskas, M Leja, G Babayeva, R Marcos Pinto, A Tonkic, S Smith, P Phull, GM Buzas, H Simsek, D Boltin, O Gridnyev, M Venerito, V Milivojevic, N Torà, A Cano-Català, L Moreira, OP Nyssen, F Mégraud, C O’Morain, JP Gisbert, I Puig, On behalf of the Hp-EuReg Investigators. Helicobacter pylori Diagnostic Tests Used in Europe: Results of over 34,000 Patients from the European Registry on Helicobacter pylori Management. J Clin Med. 2023;12(13),4363. DOI: 10.3390/jcm12134363
D Burgos-Santamaría, OP Nyssen, D Vaira, Y Niv, B Tepes, G Fiorini, A Pérez-Aisa, L Rodrigo-Sáez, M Castro-Fernández, R Pellicano, I Modolell, P Mata Romero, JC Delchier, JA Ortuño, M Areia, J Barrio, P Phull, L Bujanda, N Brglez Jurecic, J Pérez-Lasala, AJ Lucendo, J Gomez-Camarero, L Jonaitis, X Calvet, J Santos-Fernández, I Puig, F Mégraud, C O’Morain, JP Gisbert, On behalf of the Hp-EuReg Investigators. Empirical rescue treatment in third and subsequent lines of Helicobacter pylori infection: 8-year experience from the European Registry on H. pylori Management (Hp-EuReg) on in 2,144 patients. Gut. 2023;72:1054–1072. DOI: 10.1136/gutjnl-2022-328232
Бордин Д.С., Войнован И.Н., Сарсенбаева А.С., Зайцев О.В., Абдулхаков Р.А., Бакулина Н.В., Бакулин И.Г., Осипенко М.Ф., Ливзан М.А., Алексеенко С.А., Тарасова Л.В., Тарасова Г.Н., Богомолов П.О., Маев И.В., Андреев Д.Н., Абдулхаков С.Р., Старостин Б.Д., Баканова Н.В., Кононова А.Г., Колбасников С.В., L Moreira, F Mégraud, C O'Morain, OP Nyssen, JP Gisbert от имени научного комитета и исследователей Hp-EuReg. Effectiveness of empirical H. pylori eradication therapy with furazolidone in Russia: results from the European Registry on Helicobacter pylori Management (Hp-EuReg) Terapevticheskii arkhiv. 2023;95(2):120–129. DOI: https://doi.org/10.26442/00403660.2023.02.202107
Gatta L, Nyssen OP, Fiorini G, Saracino IM, Pavoni M, Romano M, Gravina AG, Granata L, Pellicano R, Gasbarrini A, Di Leo A, Losurdo G, Franceschi F, Nardone G, Rocco A, Dore MP, Farinati F, Ghisa M, Bellini M, Holton J, Puig I, Vaira D, Borghi C, Mégraud F, O'Morain C, Gisbert JP. Effectiveness of first and second-line empirical treatment in Italy: Results of the European registry on Helicobacter pylori management. United European Gastroenterol J. 2023 Feb;11(1):103-113. DOI: 10.1002/ueg2.12348.
Milivojevic V,Babic I, Kekic D, Rankovica I, Sagdatie S, Panic N, Sekulic Spasicg I, Krstica M, Milosavljevic T, Moreira L, Nyssen OP, Mégraud F, O' Morain C, Gisbert JP. Current trends in the management of Helicobacter pylori infection in Serbia: preliminary results from the European registry on H. pylori management (Hp-EuReg).Digestive Diseases. 2023;41(3):377-386. DOI: 10.1159/000528389
Fadieienko GD, Shvets OV, Moreira L, Nyssen OP, Mégraud F, O’Morain C, Gisbert JP, Gridnyev OE. Current trends in the treatment of H. pylori infection in Ukraine: results of the European Registry on Helicobacter pylori Management (Hp-EuReg). J Modern Gastroenterology. 2022 Sep;29:5-13. DOI: 10.30978/MG-2022-3-5
Nyssen OP, Vaira D, Pérez Aísa A, Rodrigo L, Castro-Fernandez M, Jonaitis L, Tepes B, Vologzhanina L, Caldas M, Lanas A, Lucendo AJ, Bujanda L, Ortuño J, Barrio, Huguet JM, Voynovan I, Perez Lasala J, Silkanovna Sarsenbaeva A, Fernandez-Salazar L, Molina-Infante J, Brglez Jurecic N, Areia M, Gasbarrini A, Kupčinskas J, Bordin D, Marcos-Pinto R, Lerang F, Leja M, Buzas GM, Niv Y, Rokkas T, Phull P, Smith S, Shvets O, Venerito M, Milivojevic V, Simsek I, Lamy V, Bytzer P, Boyanova L, Kunovský L, Beglinger C, Doulberis M, Marlicz W, Goldis A, Tonkić A, Capelle L, Puig I, Megraud F, O’ Morain C, Gisbert JP, on behalf of the Hp-EuReg Investigators. Empirical second-line therapy in 5,000 patients of the European Registry on Helicobacter pylori Management (Hp-EuReg). Clin Gastroenterol Hepatol. 2022 Oct;20(10):2243-2257. DOI: 10.1016/j.cgh.2021.12.025
Nyssen OP, Moreira L, García-Morales N, Cano-Català A, Puig I, Megraud F, O'Morain C, Gisbert JP. European Registry on Helicobacter pylori Management (Hp-EuReg): Most relevant results for clinical practice. Front. Gastroenterol. 2022 Aug 17;1:965982. DOI: 10.3389/fgstr.2022.965982
Fernández-Salazar L, Campillo A, Rodrigo L, Pérez-Aisa Á, González-Santiago JM, Segarra Ortega X, Denkovski M, Brglez Jurecic N, Bujanda L, Gómez Rodríguez BJ, Ortuño J, Georgopoulos S, Jonaitis L, Puig I, Nyssen OP, Mégraud F, O'Morain C, Gisbert JP. Effectiveness and Safety of High-Dose Dual Therapy: Results of the European Registry on the Management of Helicobacter pylori Infection (Hp-EuReg). J Clin Med. 2022 Jun 20;11(12):3544. DOI: 10.3390/jcm11123544
Nyssen OP, Vaira D, Saracino IM, Fiorini G, Caldas M, Bujanda L, Pellicano R, Keco-Huerga A, Pabón-Carrasco M, Oblitas Susanibar E, Di Leo A, Losurdo G, Pérez Aísa A, Gasbarrini A, Boltin D, Smith S, Phull P, Rokkas T, Lamaraque D, Cano-Català A, Puig I, Mégraud F, O'Morain C, Gisbert JP. Experience with Rifabutin-Containing Therapy in 500 Patients from the European Registry on Helicobacter pylori Managament (Hp-EuReg). J Clin Med. 2022 Mar 16;11(6):1658. DOI: 10.3390/jcm11061658.
Rokkas T, Georgopoulos S, Michopoulos S, Ntouli V, Liatsos C, Puig I, Nyssen OP, Mégraud F, O'Morain C, Gisbert JP, On behalf of the Hp-EuReg Investigators. Assessment of First-Line Eradication Treatment in Greece: Data from the European Registry on Helicobacter pylori Management (Hp-EuReg). Ann Gastroenterol. Jan-Feb 2022;35(1):42-47. DOI: 10.20524/aog.2021.0670.
Nyssen OP, Vaira D, Tepes B, Kupcinskas L, Bordin D, Pérez-Aisa A, Gasbarrini A, Castro-Fernández M, Bujanda L, Garre A, Lucendo A, Vologzhanina L, Brglez Jurecic N, Rodrigo-Sáez L, Huguet Malavés JM, Voynovan I, Perez Lasala J, Mata Romero P, Vujasinovic M, Abdulkhakov R, Barrio J, Fernandez-Salazar L, Mégraud F, O’Morain C, Gisbert JP. Room for improvement in the treatment of Helicobacter pylori infection: lessons from the European Registry on H. pylori management (Hp-EuReg) J Clin Gastroenterol. 2022 Feb 1;56(2):e98-e108. DOI: 10.1097/MCG.0000000000001482.
Bujanda L, Nyssen OP, Vaira D, Saracino IM, Fiorini G, Lerang F, Georgopoulos S, Tepes B, Heluwaert F, Gasbarrini A, Rokkas T, Bordin D, Smith S, Lamy V, Caldas M, Resina E, Muñoz R, Cosme Á, Puig I, Megraud F, O'Morain C, Gisbert JP. Antibiotic resistance prevalence and trends in patients infected with Helicobacter pylori in the period 2013-2020: results of the European Registry on H. pylori Management (Hp-EuReg). Antibiotics (Basel). 2021 Sep 1;10(9):1058. DOI: 10.3390/antibiotics10091058.
Caldas M, Pérez-Aisa Á, Tepes B, Keco-Huerga A, Bujanda L, Lucendo AJ, Rodrigo L, Vaira D, Fernández-Salazar L, Huguet JM, Pérez-Lasala J, Jurecic NB, Fadeenko G, Barrio J, Areia M, Ortuño J, Pellicano R, Leja M, Molina-Infante J, Bogomolov P, Alekseenko S, Domínguez-Cajal M, Gómez-Camarero J, Ntouli V, Martínez-Domínguez SJ, Ruiz-Zorrilla R, Núñez O, Sarsenbaeva AS, Almela P, Phull P, Espada M, Puig I, Nyssen OP, Mégraud F, O'Morain C, Gisbert JP, On Behalf Of The Hp-EuReg Investigators. The Role of Statins on Helicobacter pylori Eradication: Results from the European Registry on the Management of H. pylori (Hp-EuReg). Antibiotics (Basel). 2021 Aug 11;10(8):965. DOI: 10.3390/antibiotics10080965.
Tepes B, Brglez Jurecic N, Tepes K, Espada Sanchez M, Nyssen OP, O'Morain C, Mégraud F, Gisbert JP. Helicobacter pylori Eradication Rates in Slovenia in the Period from 2017 to 2019: Data from the European Registry on H. pylori Management. Dig Dis. 2021;39(4):318-324. DOI:10.1159/000512506.
Jonaitis P, Kupcinskas J, Nyssen OP, Puig I, Gisbert JP, Jonaitis L. Evaluation of the Effectiveness of Helicobacter pylori Eradication Regimens in Lithuania during the Years 2013–2020: Data from the European Registry on Helicobacter pylori Management (Hp-EuReg). Medicina 2021; 57(7),642. www.mdpi.com/1648-9144/57/7/642
Nyssen OP, Perez-Aisa A, Tepes B, Castro-Fernandez M, Kupcinskas J, Jonaitis L, Bujanda L, Lucendo A, Brglez Jurecic N, Perez-Lasala J, Shvets O, Fadeenko G, Huguet JM, Kikec Z, Bordin D, Voynovan I, Leja M, Machado JC, Areia M, Fernandez-Salazar L, Rodrigo L, Alekseenko S, Barrio J, Ortuño J, Perona M, Vologzhanina L, Mata Romero P, Zaytsev O, Rokkas T, Georgopoulos S, Pellicano R, Buzas GM, Modolell I, Gomez Rodriguez BJ, Simsek I, Simsek C, Roldan Lafuente M, Ilchishina T, Gomez Camarero J, Dominguez-Cajal M, Ntouli V, Nikolaevna Dekhnich N, Phull P, Nuñez O, Lerang F, Venerito M, Heluwaert F, Tonkic A, Caldas M, Puig I, Megraud F, O'Morain C, Gisbert JP. Adverse Event Profile During the Treatment of Helicobacter pylori: A Real-World Experience of 22,000 Patients From the European Registry on H. pylori Management (Hp-EuReg). Am J Gastroenterol.2021 Jun 1;116(6):1220-1229. DOI: 10.14309/ajg.0000000000001246.
Nyssen OP, Perez Aisa A, Castro Fernandez M, Pellicano R, Huguet JM, Rodrigo L, Ortuño J, Gomez Rodriguez BJ, M Pinto RM, Areia M, Perona M, Nuñez O, Romano M, Gravina AG, Pozzati L, Fernandez Bermejo M, Venerito M, Malfertheiner P, Fernanadez Salazar L, Gasbarrini A, Vaira D, Puig I, Megraud F, O'Morain C, Gisbert JP, Hp-EuReg investigators. European Registry on Helicobacter pylori Management (Hp-EuReg): Single capsule bismuth quadruple therapy is effective in real-world clinical practice. United European Gastroenterol J 2021; 9(1):38-46. DOI: 10.1177/2050640620972615.
Boltin D, Beniashvili Z, Lahat A, Hirsch J, Nyssen OP, Mégraud F, O'Morain C, Gisbert JP, Niv Y. European Registry on Helicobacter pylori management (Hp-EuReg): First-line Therapy in Israel. Isr Med Assoc J 2021; 23(1):38-42. PMID: 33443341.
Nyssen OP, Bordin D, Tepes B, Pérez-Aisa Á, Vaira D, Caldas M, Bujanda L, Castro-Fernandez M, Lerang F, Leja M, Rodrigo L, Rokkas T, Kupcinskas L, Pérez-Lasala J, Jonaitis L, Shvets O, Gasbarrini A, Simsek H, Axon ATR, Buzás G, Machado JC, Niv Y, Boyanova L, Goldis A, Lamy V, Tonkic A, Przytulski K, Beglinger C, Venerito M, Bytzer P, Capelle L, Milosavljević T, Milivojevic V, Veijola L, Molina-Infante J, Vologzhanina L, Fadeenko G, Ariño I, Fiorini G, Garre A, Garrido J, F Pérez C, Puig I, Heluwaert F, Megraud F, O'Morain C, Gisbert JP. European Registry on Helicobacter pylori management (Hp-EuReg): patterns and trends in first-line empirical eradication prescription and outcomes of 5 years and 21 533 patients. Gut 2021 Jan;70(1):40-54. DOI:10.1136/gutjnl-2020-321372. Epub 2020 Sep 21.
Abdulkhakov SR, Bordin DS, Abdulkhakov RA, Safina DD, Gizdatullina AR, Gimadieva LZ, Safina GM, Ziyatdinov AI, Maturina AM, Nyssen OP, Megraud F, O'Morain C, Gisbert JP. European Registry on the management of Helicobacter pylori infection: features of diagnosis and treatment in Kazan. Ter Arkh 2020; 92(8):52-59. DOI: 10.26442/00403660.2020.08.000758
Caldas M, Pérez-Aisa Á, Castro-Fernández M, Bujanda L, Lucendo AJ, Rodrigo L, Huguet JM, Pérez-Lasala J, Molina-Infante J, Barrio J, Fernández-Salazar L, Lanas Á, Perona M, Domínguez-Cajal M, Ortuño J, Gómez-Rodríguez BJ, Almela P, Botargués JM, Núñez Ó, Modolell I, Gómez J, Ruiz-Zorrilla R, De la Coba C, Huerta A, Iyo E, Pozzati L, Antón R, Barenys M, Angueira T, Fernández-Bermejo M, Campillo A, Alcedo J, Pajares-Villaroya R, Mego M, Bermejo F, Dominguez-Jiménez JL, Titó L, Fernández N, Pabón-Carrasco M, Cosme Á, Mata-Romero P, Alcaide N, Ariño I, Di Maira T, Garre A, Puig I, Nyssen OP, Megraud F, O’Morain C, Gisbert JP. European Registry on Helicobacter pylori Management: Effectiveness of First and Second-Line Treatment in Spain. Antibiotics 2020; 10: E13. DOI: 10.3390/antibiotics10010013.
Nyssen OP, Perez-Aisa A, Rodrigo L, Castro M, Mata Romero P, Ortuño J, Barrio J, Huguet JM, Modollel I, Alcaide N, Lucendo A, Calvet X, Perona M, Gomez B, Gomez Rodriguez BJ, Varela P, Jimenez-Moreno M, Dominguez-Cajal M, Pozzati L, Burgos D, Bujanda L, Hinojosa J, Molina-Infante J, Di Maira T, Ferrer L, Fernández-Salazar L, Figuerola A, Tito L, de la Coba C, Gomez-Camarero J, Fernandez N, Caldas M, Garre A, Resina E, Puig I, O'Morain C, Megraud F, Gisbert JP. Bismuth quadruple regimen with tetracycline or doxycycline versus three-in-one single capsule as third-line rescue therapy for Helicobacter pylori infection: Spanish data of the European Helicobacter pylori Registry (Hp-EuReg). Helicobacter. 2020 Oct;25(5):e12722. DOI: 10.1111/hel.12722.
Bordin DS, Voynovan IN, Embutnieks YV, Nyssen OP, Megraud F, O Morain C, Perez-Gisbert J. [European registry on Helicobacter pylori management (Hp-EuReg) as a tool to evaluate and improve clinical practice in Moscow]. Ter Arkh. 2020 Apr 27;92(2):12-18. Russian. DOI: 10.26442/00403660.2020.02.000567.
Nyssen OP, Pérez-Aisa Á, Tepes B, Rodrigo-Sáez L, Romero PM, Lucendo A, Castro-Fernández M, Phull P, Barrio J, Bujanda L, Ortuño J, Areia M, Brglez Jurecic N, Huguet JM, Alcaide N, Voynovan I, María Botargues Bote J, Modolell I, Pérez Lasala J, Ariño I, Jonaitis L, Dominguez-Cajal M, Buzas G, Lerang F, Perona M, Bordin D, Axon T, Gasbarrini A, Marcos Pinto R, Niv Y, Kupcinskas L, Tonkic A, Leja M, Rokkas T, Boyanova L, Shvets O, Venerito M, Bytzer P, Goldis A, Simsek I, Lamy V, Przytulski K, Kunovský L, Capelle L, Milosavljevic T, Caldas M, Garre A, Mégraud F, O'Morain C, Gisbert JP; Hp-EuReg Investigators. Helicobacter pylori first-line and rescue treatments in patients allergic to penicillin: Experience from the European Registry on H pylori management (Hp-EuReg). Helicobacter. 2020 Jun;25(3):e12686. DOI: 10.1111/hel.12686. .
Buzás GM, Nyssen OP, Mégraud F, O'Morain C, Gisbert JP. Páneurópai regiszter: a Helicobacter pylori-fertőzés kezelése. Ferencvárosi adatok, 2013–2019 [Pan-European Registry on Helicobacter pylori management. Results from Ferencváros, Budapest, 2013-2019]. Orv Hetil. 2019 Nov;160(47):1856-1863. Hungarian. DOI: 10.1556/650.2019.31553.
McNicholl AG, O'Morain CA, Megraud F, Gisbert JP; As Scientific Committee of the Hp-Eureg on Behalf of the National Coordinators. Protocol of the European Registry on the management of Helicobacter pylori infection (Hp-EuReg). Helicobacter. 2019 Oct;24(5):e12630. DOI: 10.1111/hel.12630.
McNicholl AG, Bordin DS, Lucendo A, Fadeenko G, Fernandez MC, Voynovan I, Zakharova NV, Sarsenbaeva AS, Bujanda L, Perez-Aisa Á, Vologzhanina L, Zaytsev O, Ilchishina T, Coba C, Lasala JP, Alekseenko S, Modolell I, Molina-Infante J, Ruiz-Zorrilla Lopez R, Alonso-Galan H, Moreno NF, Hinojosa J, Santaella I, Varela P, Gonzalez-Cordero PL, Barrio J, Dominguez-Jimenez JL, Nuñez O, Alcedo J, Nyssen OP, Caldas M, Donday MG, Shvetz O, Megraud F, O'Morain C, Gisbert JP. Combination of Bismuth and Standard Triple Therapy Eradicates Helicobacter pylori Infection in More than 90% of Patients. Clin Gastroenterol Hepatol. 2020 Jan;18(1):89-98. DOI:10.1016/j.cgh.2019.03.048.
Bordin DS, Embutnieks YV, Vologzhanina LG, Ilchishina TA, Voynovan IN, Sarsenbaeva AS, Zaitsev OV, Alekseenko SA, Abdulkhakov RA, Dehnich NN, Osipenko MF, Livzan MA, Tsukanov VV, Burkov SG, Bakulina NV, Plotnikova EY, Tarasova LV, Maev IV, Kucheryavyi YA, Baryshnikova NV, Butov MA, Kolbasnikov SV, Pakhomova AL, Zhestkova TV, Baranovsky AY, Abdulhakov SR, Ageeva EA, Lyalyukova EA, Vasyutin AV, Golubev NN, Savilova IV, Morkovkina LV, Kononova AG, Megraud F, O'Morain C, Ramas M, Nyssen OP, McNicholl AG, Gisbert JP. [European registry Helicobacter pylori (Hp-EuReg): how has clinical practice changed in Russia from 2013 to 2018 years]. Ter Arkh. 2019 Feb 15;91(2):16-24. Russian. DOI: 10.26442/00403660.2019.02.000156.
Bordin DS, Embutnieks YV, Vologzhanina LG, Il'chishina TA, Voinovan IN, Sarsenbaeva AS, Alekseenko SA, Zaitsev OV, Abdulkhakov RA, Osipenko MF, Livzan MA, Tsukanov VV, Burkov SG, Bakulina NV, Dekhnich NN, Tarasova LV, Plotnikova EY, Maev IV, Kucheryavyi YA, Baryshnikova NV, Butov MA, Kolbasnikov SV, Pakhomova AL, Zhestkova TV, Baranovskii AY, Abdulkhakov SR, Ageeva EA, Lyalyukova EA, Vasyutin AV, Golubev NN, Savilova IV, Morkovkina LV, Kononova AG, Megraud F, O'Morain C, Ramas M, Nyssen OP, McNicholl AG, Gisbert JP. European Registry on the management of Helicobacter pylori infection (Hp-EuReg): analysis of 2360 patients receiving first-line therapy in Russia. Ter Arkh. 2018 Feb 15;90(2):35-42. DOI: 10.26442/terarkh201890235-42.
Tepes B, Kastelic M, Vujasinovic M, Lampic P, Seruga M, Jurecic NB, Nyssen OP, Donday MG, O'Morain C, Megraud F, McNicholl AG, Gisbert JP. Helicobacter Pylori Treatment Results in Slovenia in the Period 2013-2015 as a Part of European Registry on Helicobacter Pylori Management. Radiol Oncol. 2017 Dec 7;52(1):1-6. DOI: 10.1515/raon-2017-0055.
Bordin DS, Yanova OB, Abdulkhakov RA, Tsukanov VV, Livzan MA, Burkov SG, Zakharova NV, Plotnikova EY, Osipenko MF, Tarasova LV, Maev IV, Kucheryavyi YA, Butov MA, Sablin OA, Kolbasnikov SV, Voinovan IN, Abdulkhakov SR, Vasyutin AV, Lyalyukova EA, Golubev NN, Savilova IV, Grigoryeva LV, Kononova AG, O'Morain C, Ramas M, Mcnicholl AG, Gisbert JP. [European Registry on the management of Helicobacter pylori infection (Hp-EuReg protocol): The first results of Russian centers]. Ter Arkh. 2016;88(2):33-38. Russian. DOI: 10.17116/terarkh201688233-38.
Gisbert JP, Romano M, Gravina AG, Solís-Muñoz P, Bermejo F, Molina-Infante J, Castro-Fernández M, Ortuño J, Lucendo AJ, Herranz M, Modolell I, Del Castillo F, Gómez J, Barrio J, Velayos B, Gómez B, Domínguez JL, Miranda A, Martorano M, Algaba A, Pabón M, Angueira T, Fernández-Salazar L, Federico A, Marín AC, McNicholl AG. Helicobacter pylori second-line rescue therapy with levofloxacin- and bismuth-containing quadruple therapy, after failure of standard triple or non-bismuth quadruple treatments. Aliment Pharmacol Ther. 2015 Apr;41(8):768-75. DOI: 10.1111/apt.13128.
Molina-Infante J, Lucendo AJ, Angueira T, Rodriguez-Tellez M, Perez-Aisa A, Balboa A, Barrio J, Martin-Noguerol E, Gomez-Rodriguez BJ, Botargues-Bote JM, Gomez-Camarero J, Huerta A, Modolell I, Ariño I, Herranz-Bachiller MT, Bermejo F, McNicholl AG, O'Morain C, Gisbert JP; European Registry on H. pylori management (Hp‐EuReg). Optimised empiric triple and concomitant therapy for Helicobacter pylori eradication in clinical practice: the OPTRICON study. Aliment Pharmacol Ther. 2015 Mar;41(6):581-9. DOI: 10.1111/apt.13069.
Management of Helicobacter pylori infection in Spain beyond the data collected in the European Registry on H. pylori management (Hp-EuReg): results of a nationwide survey (In press)
Helicobacter pylori eradication rates in Slovenia based on EU Hp Reg data from 2013-2023 (In press)
Effectiveness and safety of Helicobacter pylori first-line empirical eradication regimens in Switzerland (submitted)
Prescriptions, effectiveness and safety of first-line empirical treatment for H. pylori infection in Portugal (submitted)
The Poland experience on first-line empirical therapy
Effectiveness of rebamipide-containing first-line empirical eradication therapy in Russia
Effectiveness and safety of first-line empirical concomitant quadruple therapy versus single-capsule bismuth quadruple therapy in Spain
Classic bismuth quadruple therapy: influence of the dose and administration scheme on the therapy effectiveness and safety.
Sixth-line eradication therapy against Helicobacter pylori : preliminary data from the Hp-EuReg
Messages learned from the 10-year Hp-EuReg experience: recommendations for the clinical practice
Relationship between antibiotics consumption and antibiotic bacterial resistances and its effect on H. pylori eradication treatments
Clinical performance of the gastroenterologist in the management of H. pylori infection: changes through 10-year experience of the European Registry on H. pylori management (Hp-EuReg)
Comprehensive literature review of H. pylori resistance rates in Europe (including data from the Hp-EuReg)
PCR-detected bacterial resistance rate across Europe and treatment effectiveness
Reasons not to prescribe a treatment after one (or several) therapeutic failure(s)
Effectiveness of a treatment used repeatedly (and consecutively or not) in subsequent lines
Patterns and H. pylori treatment effectiveness in Croatia
Prescriptions and effect of H. pylori antibiotic resistance on eradication treatments in Norway
H. pylori treatment prescriptions in Latvia: gastroenterologist versus general practitioners
Effectiveness of empirical first-line therapy in Russia from 2013 to 2021: analysis of 14 Russian cities
Trends in the first-line treatment against H. pylori in Ireland
The UK experience with the first-line empirical eradication treatment against H. pylori
The Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) of the Hp-EuReg is intended to ensure the correct pathway for participating, recruiting patients, consulting and evaluating data, preparing studies and disseminating the project results.
By agreeing to participate in the study, investigators commit to the Scientific Committee and the other investigators, taking an active part in patient inclusion, promoting participation with other gastroenterologists or centres that may become involved, and disseminating the project to encourage active patient recruitment.
The SOP is available at https://redcap.aegastro.es/redcap_v12.3.2/FileRepository/index.php?pid=345, only accessible with individual investigators' REDCap credentials.
Helicobacter pylori selectively infects the human stomach, being the most prevalent chronic infection in the world. H pylori presence causes chronic gastritis in 100% of infected patients and is the major cause of relevant diseases such as atrophic gastritis, peptic ulcer disease, and gastric cancer; it is for this reason that from a public health standpoint, it is considered a high-impact pathogen, responsible of a significant morbidity and mortality. Nowadays, there are consensus and clinical guidelines regarding the infection management at a European level and in most of European countries, but no data have shown the level of implementation of these recommendations. The high costs that this infection carries both socially and to the health system require the continuous and systematic assessment of the diagnostic and treatment strategies, as well as the accessibility to diagnostic methods and most efficient drugs.
To register the diagnosis, management strategies, and treatment of H pylori-infected adult patients in the Digestive Services outpatient clinics throughout Europe.
Noninterventionist prospective multicentre international Registry promoted by the European Helicobacter and Microbiota Study Group. National Coordinators will select recruiting gastroenterologists in their country that will register the H pylori-related routine clinical practice consultations they receive in an electronic case report form (e-CRF) provided by AEG-REDCap. Variables retrieved will include clinical, diagnostic, treatment, eradication confirmation, and outcome data. The database will allow researchers to perform specific subanalyses after approval by the Scientific Committee of the study.
V Spanish Consensus Conference on Helicobacter pylori infection treatment.
Gisbert JP, Alcedo J, Amador J, Bujanda L, Calvet X, Castro-Fernández M, Fernández-Salazar L, Gené E, Lanas Á, Lucendo AJ, Molina-Infante J, Nyssen OP, Pérez-Aisa A, Puig I. Gastroenterol Hepatol. 2021 Oct 7:S0210-5705(21)00229-6. doi: 10.1016/j.gastrohep.2021.07.011. Online ahead of print. PMID: 34629204 English, Spanish
AbstractHelicobacter pylori infection is very common in the Spanish population and represents the main cause of chronic gastritis, peptic ulcer, and gastric cancer. The last iteration of Spanish consensus guidelines on H. pylori infection was conducted in 2016. Recent changes in therapeutic schemes along with increasing supporting evidence were key for developing the V Spanish Consensus Conference (May 2021). Fourteen experts performed a systematic review of the scientific evidence and developed a series of recommendations that were subjected to an anonymous Delphi process of iterative voting. Scientific evidence and the strength of the recommendation were classified using GRADE guidelines. An eradication therapy, when prescribed empirically, is considered acceptable when it reliably achieves, or preferably surpass, 90% cure rates. Currently, only quadruple therapies (with or without bismuth) and generally lasting 14 days, accomplish this goal in first- and second-line therapies. A non-bismuth quadruple concomitant regimen (proton pump inhibitor, clarithromycin, amoxicillin, and metronidazole) or a quadruple bismuth-based combination (proton pump inhibitor, bismuth, tetracycline, and metronidazole), are recommended as first-line regimens. Rescue therapies after eradication failure and management of H. pylori infection in peptic ulcer disease were also reviewed.Keywords: Bismuth; Bismuto, Claritromicina, Helicobacter pylori; Clarithromycin; Helicobacter pylori; Inhibidor de la bomba de protones; Levofloxacin; Levofloxacino; Metronidazol; Metronidazole; Omeprazol; Omeprazole; Proton pump inhibitor; Tetraciclina; Tetracycline.
Room for Improvement in the Treatment of Helicobacter pylori Infection: Lessons from the European Registry on H. pylori Management (Hp-EuReg).
Nyssen OP, Vaira D, Tepes B, Kupcinskas L, Bordin D, Pérez-Aisa Á, Gasbarrini A, Castro-Fernández M, Bujanda L, Garre A, Lucendo A, Vologzhanina L, Jurecic NB, Rodrigo-Sáez L, Huguet JM, Voynovan I, Perez-Lasala J, Romero PM, Vujasinovic M, Abdulkhakov R, Barrio J, Fernandez-Salazar L, Mégraud F, O'Morain C, Gisbert JP.
J Clin Gastroenterol. 2021 Jan 5;Publish Ahead of Print. doi: 10.1097/MCG.0000000000001482. Online ahead of print. PMID: 33405435
European Registry on Helicobacter pylori management (Hp-EuReg): First-line Therapy in Israel.Boltin D, Beniashvili Z, Lahat A, Hirsch J, Nyssen OP, Mégraud F, O'Morain C, Gisbert JP, Niv Y.
Isr Med Assoc J. 2021 Jan;23(1):38-42. PMID: 33443341
Comparative Effectiveness of Multiple Different First-Line Treatment Regimens for Helicobacter pylori Infection: A Network Meta-analysis.
Rokkas T, Gisbert JP, Malfertheiner P, Niv Y, Gasbarrini A, Leja M, Megraud F, O'Morain C, Graham DY.
Gastroenterology. 2021 Aug;161(2):495-507.e4. doi: 10.1053/j.gastro.2021.04.012. Epub 2021 Apr 8. PMID: 33839101
Follow-Up Study Confirms the Presence of Gastric Cancer DNA Methylation Hallmarks in High-Risk Precursor Lesions.Gómez A, Pato ML, Bujanda L, Sala N, Companioni O, Cosme Á, Tufano M, Hanly DJ, García N, Sanz-Anquela JM, Gisbert JP, López C, Elizalde JI, Cuatrecasas M, Andreu V, Paules MJ, Martín-Arranz MD, Ortega L, Poves E, Barrio J, Torres MÁ, Muñoz G, Ferrández Á, Ramírez-Lázaro MJ, Lario S, González CA, Esteller M, Berdasco M.
Cancers (Basel). 2021 Jun 2;13(11):2760. doi: 10.3390/cancers13112760.
Evaluation of the Effectiveness of Helicobacter pylori Eradication Regimens in Lithuania during the Years 2013-2020: Data from the European Registry on Helicobacter pylori Management (Hp-EuReg)
Paulius Jonaitis 1 , Juozas Kupcinskas 1 , Olga P Nyssen 2 3 , Ignasi Puig 4 5 , Javier P Gisbert 2 3 , Laimas Jonaitis 1
Medicina (Kaunas). 2021 Jun 23;57(7):642. doi: 10.3390/medicina57070642.
AbstractBackground and Objectives: The prevalence of H. pylori in Eastern Europe remains quite high; however, there is insufficient data on the eradication regimens and their effectiveness. Therefore, the objective of the study was to evaluate the diagnostic methods and treatment of H. pylori infection as well as their adherence to Maastricht V/Florence consensus during the years 2013-2020 in Lithuania. Materials and Methods: Sub-study of the "European Registry on H. pylori Management" (Hp-EuReg), international multicenter prospective non-interventional registry of the routine clinical practice. Lithuanian data from the years 2013-2020 were analyzed for effectiveness on a modified intention-to-treat (mITT) basis. 2000 adult patients, diagnosed with H. pylori infection, were included. Data were compared to the European Maastricht V guidelines. Results: Triple-therapy was used in 90% of the cases. In 91% of the first-line prescriptions, standard triple therapy (STT) was used. The most common second-line treatment was a combination of PPI, amoxicillin and levofloxacin (PPI+A+L) (47%). The overall effectiveness in 552 cases valid for analysis was 90% by mITT. In first-line treatment, the STT effectiveness was 90% and second-line treatment with PPI+A+L achieved 92% by mITT. Increasing overall H. pylori eradication rates were observed: from 72% in 2013 to more than 90% in 2018-2020, as well as a shift from 7 to 10-14 days treatments duration throughout 2013-2020. Conclusions: In Lithuania, the prescribed eradication regimens for H. pylori were in accordance with the international guidelines but diagnostic methods and treatment duration only partially met Maastricht V/Florence guidelines. The eradication effectiveness was improved progressively during the years 2018-2020, reaching ≥90% cure rates.Keywords: Helicobacter pylori; Hp-EuReg; Lithuania; effectiveness; eradication.
European Registry on Helicobacter pylori management (Hp-EuReg): patterns and trends in first-line empirical eradication prescription and outcomes of 5 years and 21 533 patients.
Nyssen OP, Bordin D, Tepes B, Pérez-Aisa Á, Vaira D, Caldas M, Bujanda L, Castro-Fernandez M, Lerang F, Leja M, Rodrigo L, Rokkas T, Kupcinskas L, Pérez-Lasala J, Jonaitis L, Shvets O, Gasbarrini A, Simsek H, Axon ATR, Buzás G, Machado JC, Niv Y, Boyanova L, Goldis A, Lamy V, Tonkic A, Przytulski K, Beglinger C, Venerito M, Bytzer P, Capelle L, Milosavljević T, Milivojevic V, Veijola L, Molina-Infante J, Vologzhanina L, Fadeenko G, Ariño I, Fiorini G, Garre A, Garrido J, F Pérez C, Puig I, Heluwaert F, Megraud F, O'Morain C, Gisbert JP; Hp-EuReg Investigators.
Gut. 2021 Jan;70(1):40-54. doi: 10.1136/gutjnl-2020-321372. Epub 2020 Sep 21. PMID: 32958544
AbstractObjective: The best approach for Helicobacter pylori management remains unclear. An audit process is essential to ensure clinical practice is aligned with best standards of care.Design: International multicentre prospective non-interventional registry starting in 2013 aimed to evaluate the decisions and outcomes in H. pylori management by European gastroenterologists. Patients were registered in an e-CRF by AEG-REDCap. Variables included demographics, previous eradication attempts, prescribed treatment, adverse events and outcomes. Data monitoring was performed to ensure data quality. Time-trend and geographical analyses were performed.Results: 30 394 patients from 27 European countries were evaluated and 21 533 (78%) first-line empirical H. pylori treatments were included for analysis. Pretreatment resistance rates were 23% to clarithromycin, 32% to metronidazole and 13% to both. Triple therapy with amoxicillin and clarithromycin was most commonly prescribed (39%), achieving 81.5% modified intention-to-treat eradication rate. Over 90% eradication was obtained only with 10-day bismuth quadruple or 14-day concomitant treatments. Longer treatment duration, higher acid inhibition and compliance were associated with higher eradication rates. Time-trend analysis showed a region-dependent shift in prescriptions including abandoning triple therapies, using higher acid-inhibition and longer treatments, which was associated with an overall effectiveness increase (84%-90%).Conclusion: Management of H. pylori infection by European gastroenterologists is heterogeneous, suboptimal and discrepant with current recommendations. Only quadruple therapies lasting at least 10 days are able to achieve over 90% eradication rates. European recommendations are being slowly and heterogeneously incorporated into routine clinical practice, which was associated with a corresponding increase in effectiveness.Keywords: helicobacter pylori; helicobacter pylori - treatment.
European Registry on Helicobacter pylori management: Single-capsule bismuth quadruple therapy is effective in real-world clinical practice
Olga P Nyssen 1 , Angeles Perez-Aisa 2 , Manuel Castro-Fernandez 3 , Rinaldo Pellicano 4 , Jose M Huguet 5 , Luis Rodrigo 6 , Juan Ortuñ, O 7 , Blas J Gomez-Rodriguez 8 , Ricardo M Pinto 9 10 , Miguel Areia 10 11 , Monica Perona 12 , Oscar Nuñez 13 , Marco Romano 14 , Antonietta G Gravina 14 , Liliana Pozzati 15 , Miguel Fernandez-Bermejo 16 , Marino Venerito 17 , Peter Malfertheiner 17 , Luis Fernanadez-Salazar 18 , Antonio Gasbarrini 19 , Dino Vaira 20 , Ignasi Puig 21 , Francis Megraud 22 , Colm O'Morain 23 , Javier P Gisbert 1 , Hp-EuReg investigatorsUnited European Gastroenterol J. 2021 Feb;9(1):38-46. doi: 10.1177/2050640620972615.
AbstractBackground: There has been resurgence in the use of bismuth quadruple therapy (proton pump inhibitor, bismuth, tetracycline and metronidazole) for treating Helicobacter pylori infection thanks to a three-in-one single-capsule formulation.Objective: To evaluate the effectiveness and safety of the single-capsule bismuth quadruple therapy.Methods: Data were collected in a multicentre, prospective registry of the clinical practice of gastroenterologists on the management of H. pylori infection, where patients were registered at the Asociación Española de Gastroenterologia REDCap database on an electronic case report form until January 2020. Effectiveness by modified intention-to-treat and per-protocol as well as multivariable analysis were performed. Independent factors evaluated were: age, gender, indication, compliance, proton pump inhibitor dose and treatment line.Results: Finally, 2100 patients were prescribed single-capsule bismuth quadruple therapy following the technical sheet (i.e., three capsules every 6 h for 10 days). The majority of these patients were naive (64%), with an average age of 50 years, 64% women and 16% with peptic ulcer. An overall modified intention-to-treat effectiveness of 92% was achieved. Eradication was over 90% in first-line treatment (95% modified intention-to-treat, n = 1166), and this was maintained as a rescue therapy, both in second (89% modified intention-to-treat, n = 375) and subsequent lines of therapy (third to sixth line: 92% modified intention-to-treat, n = 236). Compliance was the factor most closely associated with treatment effectiveness. Adverse events were generally mild to moderate, and 3% of patients reported a severe adverse event, leading to discontinuation of treatment in 1.7% of cases.Conclusions: Single-capsule bismuth quadruple therapy achieved H. pylori eradication in approximately 90% of patients in real-world clinical practice, both as a first-line and rescue treatment, with good compliance and a favourable safety profile.Trial registration: ClinicalTrials.gov NCT02328131.Keywords: Helicobacter pylori; Pylera; bismuth; eradication; quadruple.
Gastric cancer screening in low incidence populations: Position statement of AEG, SEED and SEAP.
Cubiella J, Pérez Aisa Á, Cuatrecasas M, Díez Redondo P, Fernández Esparrach G, Marín-Gabriel JC, Moreira L, Núñez H, Pardo López ML, Rodríguez de Santiago E, Rosón P, Sanz Anquela JM, Calvet X; en representación de la Asociación Española de Gastroenterología, la Sociedad Española de Endoscopia Digestiva y la Sociedad Española de Anatomía Patológica.
Gastroenterol Hepatol. 2021 Jan;44(1):67-86. doi: 10.1016/j.gastrohep.2020.08.004. Epub 2020 Oct 24.
PMID: 33252332
Quality in diagnostic upper gastrointestinal endoscopy for the detection and surveillance of gastric cancer precursor lesions: Position paper of AEG, SEED and SEAP.
Fernández-Esparrach G, Marín-Gabriel JC, Díez Redondo P, Núñez H, Rodríguez de Santiago E, Rosón P, Calvet X, Cuatrecasas M, Cubiella J, Moreira L, Pardo López ML, Pérez Aisa Á, Sanz Anquela JM; en representación de la Asociación Española de Gastroenterología, la Sociedad Española de Endoscopia Digestiva y la Sociedad Española de Anatomía Patológica.
Gastroenterol Hepatol. 2021 Jun-Jul;44(6):448-464. doi: 10.1016/j.gastrohep.2021.01.002. Epub 2021 Feb 17.
PMID: 33609597
Antibiotic Resistance Prevalence and Trends in Patients Infected with Helicobacter pylori in the Period 2013-2020: Results of the European Registry on H. pylori Management (Hp-EuReg)
Luis Bujanda 1 , Olga P Nyssen 2 , Dino Vaira 3 , Ilaria M Saracino 3 , Giulia Fiorini 3 , Frode Lerang 4 , Sotirios Georgopoulos 5 , Bojan Tepes 6 , Frederic Heluwaert 7 , Antonio Gasbarrini 8 , Theodore Rokkas 9 , Dmitry Bordin 10 11 12 , Sinead Smith 13 , Vincent Lamy 14 , María Caldas 2 , Elena Resina 2 , Raquel Muñoz 2 , Ángel Cosme 1 , Ignasi Puig 15 , Francis Megraud 16 , Colm O'Morain 13 , Javier P Gisbert 2 , The Hp-EuReg InvestigatorsAntibiotics (Basel). 2021 Sep 1;10(9):1058.doi: 10.3390/antibiotics10091058.
AbstractBackground: Bacterial antibiotic resistance changes over time depending on multiple factors; therefore, it is essential to monitor the susceptibility trends to reduce the resistance impact on the effectiveness of various treatments. Objective: To conduct a time-trend analysis of Helicobacter pylori resistance to antibiotics in Europe. Methods: The international prospective European Registry on Helicobacter pylori Management (Hp-EuReg) collected data on all infected adult patients diagnosed with culture and antimicrobial susceptibility testing positive results that were registered at AEG-REDCap e-CRF until December 2020. Results: Overall, 41,562 patients were included in the Hp-EuReg. Culture and antimicrobial susceptibility testing were performed on gastric biopsies of 3974 (9.5%) patients, of whom 2852 (7%) were naive cases included for analysis. The number of positive cultures decreased by 35% from the period 2013-2016 to 2017-2020. Concerning naïve patients, no antibiotic resistance was found in 48% of the cases. The most frequent resistances were reported against metronidazole (30%), clarithromycin (25%), and levofloxacin (20%), whereas resistances to tetracycline and amoxicillin were below 1%. Dual and triple resistances were found in 13% and 6% of the cases, respectively. A decrease (p < 0.001) in the metronidazole resistance rate was observed between the 2013-2016 (33%) and 2017-2020 (24%) periods. Conclusion: Culture and antimicrobial susceptibility testing for Helicobacter pylori are scarcely performed (<10%) in Europe. In naïve patients, Helicobacter pylori resistance to clarithromycin remained above 15% throughout the period 2013-2020 and resistance to levofloxacin, as well as dual or triple resistances, were high. A progressive decrease in metronidazole resistance was observed.Keywords: Helicobacter pylori; amoxicillin; antibiotic resistance; clarithromycin; levofloxacin; metronidazole; tetracycline.
Gastroenterologists' attitudes on the detection and management of gastric premalignant conditions: results of a nationwide survey in Spain.
Delgado-Guillena PG, Morales-Alvarado VJ, Elosua-González A, Murcia Pomares O, Pérez-Aisa A, Córdova H, Alcedo J, Calvet X, Fernández-Esparrach G. Eur J Cancer Prev. 2021 Nov 1;30(6):431-436. doi: 10.1097/CEJ.0000000000000648.
PMID: 33369947
The Role of Statins on Helicobacter pylori Eradication: Results from the European Registry on the Management of H. pylori (Hp-EuReg)
María Caldas 1 , Ángeles Pérez-Aisa 2 , Bojan Tepes 3 , Alma Keco-Huerga 4 , Luis Bujanda 5 , Alfredo J Lucendo 6 , Luis Rodrigo 7 , Dino Vaira 8 , Luis Fernández-Salazar 9 , Jose M Huguet 10 , Jorge Pérez-Lasala 11 , Natasa Brglez Jurecic 12 , Galina Fadeenko 13 , Jesús Barrio 14 , Miguel Areia 15 , Juan Ortuño 16 , Rinaldo Pellicano 17 , Marcis Leja 18 , Javier Molina-Infante 19 , Pavel Bogomolov 20 , Sergey Alekseenko 21 , Manuel Domínguez-Cajal 22 , Judith Gómez-Camarero 23 , Vassiliki Ntouli 24 , Samuel J Martínez-Domínguez 25 , Rafael Ruiz-Zorrilla 26 , Oscar Núñez 27 , Aiman Silkanovna Sarsenbaeva 28 , Pedro Almela 29 , Perminder Phull 30 , Marta Espada 1 , Ignasi Puig 31 , Olga P Nyssen 1 , Francis Mégraud 32 , Colm O'Morain 33 , Javier P Gisbert 1 , the Hp-EuReg Investigators
Antibiotics (Basel). 2021 Aug 11;10(8):965. doi: 10.3390/antibiotics10080965.
AbstractStatins could increase the effectiveness of Helicobacter pylori eradication therapies due to their anti-inflammatory effect. The aim of this study was to analyze the impact of this therapeutic association in real life. This is a multicenter, prospective, non-interventional study aimed at evaluating the management of H. pylori by European gastroenterologists. Patients were registered in an e-CRF by AEG-REDCap from 2013 to 2020. The association between statin use and H. pylori eradication effectiveness was evaluated through multivariate analysis. Overall, 9988 and 705 patients received empirical and culture-guided treatment, respectively. Overall, statin use was associated with higher effectiveness in the empirical group (OR = 1.3; 95%CI = 1.1-1.5), but no association was found with first-line treatment effectiveness (N = 7738); as an exception, statin use was specifically associated with lower effectiveness of standard triple therapy (OR = 0.76; 95%CI = 0.59-0.99). In the rescue therapy empirical group (N = 2228), statins were associated with higher overall effectiveness (OR = 1.9; 95%CI = 1.4-2.6). However, sub-analyses by treatment schemes only confirmed this association for the single-capsule bismuth quadruple therapy (OR = 2.8; 95%CI = 1.3-5.7). No consistent association was found between statin use and H. pylori therapy effectiveness. Therefore, the addition of statins to the usual H. pylori treatment cannot be currently recommended to improve cure rates.Keywords: Helicobacter pylori; statins; treatment.
Adverse Event Profile During the Treatment of Helicobacter pylori: A Real-World Experience of 22,000 Patients From the European Registry on H. pylori Management (Hp-EuReg)
Olga P Nyssen 1 , Angeles Perez-Aisa 2 , Bojan Tepes 3 , Manuel Castro-Fernandez 4 , Juozas Kupcinskas 5 , Laimas Jonaitis 5 , Luis Bujanda 6 , Alfredo Lucendo 7 , Natasa Brglez Jurecic 8 , Jorge Perez-Lasala 9 , Oleg Shvets 10 , Galina Fadeenko 11 , Jose M Huguet 12 , Zdenki Kikec 13 , Dmitry Bordin 14 15 16 , Irina Voynovan 14 , Marcis Leja 17 , Jose Carlos Machado 18 , Miguel Areia 19 , Luis Fernandez-Salazar 20 , Luis Rodrigo 21 , Sergey Alekseenko 22 , Jesus Barrio 23 , Juan Ortuño 24 , Monica Perona 25 , Liudmila Vologzhanina 26 , Pilar Mata Romero 27 , Oleg Zaytsev 28 , Theodore Rokkas 29 , Sotirios Georgopoulos 30 , Rinaldo Pellicano 31 , Gyorgy M Buzas 32 , Ines Modolell 33 , Blas Jose Gomez Rodriguez 34 , Ilkay Simsek 35 , Cem Simsek 36 , Marina Roldan Lafuente 37 , Tatiana Ilchishina 38 , Judith Gomez Camarero 39 , Manuel Dominguez-Cajal 40 , Vassiliki Ntouli 41 , Natalia Nikolaevna Dekhnich 42 , Perminder Phull 43 , Oscar Nuñez 44 , Frode Lerang 45 , Marino Venerito 46 , Frederic Heluwaert 47 , Ante Tonkic 48 , Maria Caldas 1 , Ignasi Puig 49 , Francis Megraud 50 , Colm O'Morain 51 , Javier P Gisbert 1 , Hp-EuReg Investigators
Am J Gastroenterol . 2021 Jun 1;116(6):1220-1229.
AbstractIntroduction: The safety of Helicobacter pylori eradication treatments and to what extent adverse events (AEs) influence therapeutic compliance in clinical practice are hardly known. Our aim was to assess the frequency, type, intensity, and duration of AEs, and their impact on compliance, for the most frequently used treatments in the "European Registry on Helicobacter pylori management."Methods: Systematic prospective noninterventional registry of the clinical practice of European gastroenterologists (27 countries, 300 investigators) on the management of H. pylori infection in routine clinical practice. All prescribed eradication treatments and their corresponding safety profile were recorded. AEs were classified depending on the intensity of symptoms as mild/moderate/severe and as serious AEs. All data were subject to quality control.Results: The different treatments prescribed to 22,492 patients caused at least 1 AE in 23% of the cases; the classic bismuth-based quadruple therapy was the worst tolerated (37% of AEs). Taste disturbance (7%), diarrhea (7%), nausea (6%), and abdominal pain (3%) were the most frequent AEs. The majority of AEs were mild (57%), 6% were severe, and only 0.08% were serious, with an average duration of 7 days. The treatment compliance rate was 97%. Only 1.3% of the patients discontinued treatment due to AEs. Longer treatment durations were significantly associated with a higher incidence of AEs in standard triple, concomitant, bismuth quadruple, and levofloxacin triple or quadruple therapies.Discussion: Helicobacter pylori eradication treatment frequently induces AEs, although they are usually mild and of limited duration. Their appearance does not interfere significantly with treatment compliance.Trial registration: ClinicalTrials.gov NCT02328131.
[European Registry on the management of Helicobacter pylori infection: features of diagnosis and treatment in Kazan].
Abdulkhakov SR, Bordin DS, Abdulkhakov RA, Safina DD, Gizdatullina AR, Gimadieva LZ, Safina GM, Ziyatdinov AI, Maturina AM, Nyssen OP, Megraud F, O'Morain C, Perez-Gisbert J.
Ter Arkh. 2020 Sep 3;92(8):52-59. doi: 10.26442/00403660.2020.08.000758.
PMID: 33346462
Combination of Bismuth and Standard Triple Therapy Eradicates Helicobacter pylori Infection in More than 90% of Patients.
McNicholl AG, Bordin DS, Lucendo A, Fadeenko G, Fernandez MC, Voynovan I, Zakharova NV, Sarsenbaeva AS, Bujanda L, Perez-Aisa Á, Vologzhanina L, Zaytsev O, Ilchishina T, Coba C, Lasala JP, Alekseenko S, Modolell I, Molina-Infante J, Ruiz-Zorrilla Lopez R, Alonso-Galan H, Moreno NF, Hinojosa J, Santaella I, Varela P, Gonzalez-Cordero PL, Barrio J, Dominguez-Jimenez JL, Nuñez O, Alcedo J, Nyssen OP, Caldas M, Donday MG, Shvetz O, Megraud F, O'Morain C, Gisbert JP.
Clin Gastroenterol Hepatol. 2020 Jan;18(1):89-98. doi: 10.1016/j.cgh.2019.03.048. Epub 2019 Apr 10. PMID: 30978536
Prospective, study comparing the accuracy of two different stool antigen tests (Premier Platinum HpSA and novel ImmunoCard STAT! rapid test) for the diagnosis of Helicobacter pylori infection.
McNicholl AG, Garre A, Llorca L, Bujanda L, Molina-Infante J, Barenys M, Perez J, Guerrero-Torres MD, Tamayo E, Montes M, Prados-Manzano R, Sanchez-Garcia A, Ramas M, Valdez Blanco VB, Montoro M, Calvet X, Figuerola A, Lario S, Quilez E, Lanas A, Silva-Pomarino P, Perez-Aisa A, Donday MG, Belloc B, Montserrat-Torres A, Fernandez-Moreno N, Ramírez MJ, Alarcon T, Gisbert JP.
Gastroenterol Hepatol. 2020 Mar;43(3):117-125. doi: 10.1016/j.gastrohep.2019.09.009. Epub 2019 Dec 4. PMID: 31810793
Poor Sensitivity of Fecal Gluten Immunogenic Peptides and Serum Antibodies to Detect Duodenal Mucosal Damage in Celiac Disease Monitoring.
Laserna-Mendieta EJ, Casanova MJ, Arias Á, Arias-González L, Majano P, Mate LA, Gordillo-Vélez CH, Jiménez M, Angueira T, Tébar-Romero E, Carrillo-Ramos MJ, Tejero-Bustos MÁ, Gisbert JP, Santander C, Lucendo AJ. Nutrients. 2020 Dec 30;13(1):98. doi: 10.3390/nu13010098. PMID: 33396719
Helicobacter pylori first-line and rescue treatments in patients allergic to penicillin: Experience from the European Registry on H pylori management (Hp-EuReg).
Nyssen OP, Pérez-Aisa Á, Tepes B, Rodrigo-Sáez L, Romero PM, Lucendo A, Castro-Fernández M, Phull P, Barrio J, Bujanda L, Ortuño J, Areia M, Brglez Jurecic N, Huguet JM, Alcaide N, Voynovan I, María Botargues Bote J, Modolell I, Pérez Lasala J, Ariño I, Jonaitis L, Dominguez-Cajal M, Buzas G, Lerang F, Perona M, Bordin D, Axon T, Gasbarrini A, Marcos Pinto R, Niv Y, Kupcinskas L, Tonkic A, Leja M, Rokkas T, Boyanova L, Shvets O, Venerito M, Bytzer P, Goldis A, Simsek I, Lamy V, Przytulski K, Kunovský L, Capelle L, Milosavljevic T, Caldas M, Garre A, Mégraud F, O'Morain C, Gisbert JP; Hp-EuReg Investigators.
Helicobacter. 2020 Jun;25(3):e12686. doi: 10.1111/hel.12686. Epub 2020 Mar 16. PMID: 32173974
Heterogeneity of clinical management of low-grade gastric lymphoma of mucosa-associated lymphoid tissue. An audit of 198 patients in Spain.
Puig I, Sanabria E, Feu F, Couto I, Blanco M, Alonso P, Gisbert JP, McNicholl AG, Seoane A, Bory F, Polo F, Orivé V, Ponce J, Borda F, Hervás A, Pérez-Aisa Á, Rivera R, Quintero E, Nicolás-Pérez D, Bujanda L, Rodrigo L, Calvet X; Spanish Gastroenterological Association Gastroduodenal Diseases Study Group.
Gastroenterol Hepatol. 2020 Feb;43(2):79-86. doi: 10.1016/j.gastrohep.2019.08.012. Epub 2019 Nov 29. PMID: 31787375
AbstractIntroduction: Cure of Helicobacter pylori infection in patients with gastric lymphoma of mucosa-associated lymphoid tissue (MALT) leads to long-term clinical remission in the initial stages. As it is a rare disease, its management in clinical practice remains largely unknown and heterogeneity of care remains a concern. The aim was to audit the management and evolution of a large series of low-grade gastric MALT lymphomas from thirteen Spanish hospitals.Materials and methods: Multicentre retrospective study including data on the diagnosis and follow-up of patients with gastric low-grade MALT lymphoma from January 1998 to December 2013. Clinical, biological and pathological data were analyzed and survival curves were drawn.Results: One-hundred and ninety-eight patients were included. Helicobacter pylori was present in 132 (69%) patients and 103 (82%) in tumors confined to the stomach (stage EI) and was eradicated in 92% of patients. Chemotherapy was given in 90 (45%) patients and 43 (33%) with stage EI. Marked heterogeneity in the use of diagnostic methods and chemotherapy was observed. Five-year overall survival was 86% (89% in EI). Survival was similar in EI patients receiving aggressive treatment and in those receiving only antibiotics (p=0.577).Discussion: Gastric MALT lymphoma has an excellent prognosis. We observed, however, a marked heterogeneity in the use of diagnostic methods or chemotherapy in early-stage patients.Keywords: Disease management; Estudios de seguimiento; Follow-up studies; Linfoma; Lymphoma; Mortalidad; Mortality; Neoplasias malignas; Stomach neoplasms; Tratamiento de la enfermedad.
Bismuth quadruple regimen with tetracycline or doxycycline versus three-in-one single capsule as third-line rescue therapy for Helicobacter pylori infection: Spanish data of the European Helicobacter pylori Registry (Hp-EuReg).
Nyssen OP, Perez-Aisa A, Rodrigo L, Castro M, Mata Romero P, Ortuño J, Barrio J, Huguet JM, Modollel I, Alcaide N, Lucendo A, Calvet X, Perona M, Gomez B, Gomez Rodriguez BJ, Varela P, Jimenez-Moreno M, Dominguez-Cajal M, Pozzati L, Burgos D, Bujanda L, Hinojosa J, Molina-Infante J, Di Maira T, Ferrer L, Fernández-Salazar L, Figuerola A, Tito L, de la Coba C, Gomez-Camarero J, Fernandez N, Caldas M, Garre A, Resina E, Puig I, O'Morain C, Megraud F, Gisbert JP.
Helicobacter. 2020 Oct;25(5):e12722. doi: 10.1111/hel.12722. Epub 2020 Jul 13. PMID: 32656898
AbstractBackground: Different bismuth quadruple therapies containing proton-pump inhibitors, bismuth salts, metronidazole, and a tetracycline have been recommended as third-line Helicobacter pylori eradication treatment after failure with clarithromycin and levofloxacin.Aim: To evaluate the efficacy and safety of third-line treatments with bismuth, metronidazole, and either tetracycline or doxycycline.Methods: Sub-study with Spanish data of the "European Registry on H pylori Management" (Hp-EuReg), international multicenter prospective non-interventional Registry of the routine clinical practice of gastroenterologists. After previous failure with clarithromycin- and levofloxacin-containing therapies, patients receiving a third-line regimen with 10/14-day bismuth salts, metronidazole, and either tetracycline (BQT-Tet) or doxycycline (BQT-Dox), or single capsule (BQT-three-in-one) were included. Data were registered at AEG-REDCap database. Univariate and multivariate analyses were performed.Results: Four-hundred and fifty-four patients have been treated so far: 85 with BQT-Tet, 94 with BQT-Dox, and 275 with BQT-three-in-one. Average age was 53 years, 68% were women. Overall modified intention-to-treat and per-protocol eradication rates were 81% (BQT-Dox: 65%, BQT-Tet: 76%, BQT-three-in-one: 88%) and 82% (BQT-Dox: 66%, BQT-Tet: 77%, BQT-three-in-one: 88%), respectively. By logistic regression, higher eradication rates were associated with compliance (OR = 2.96; 95% CI = 1.01-8.84) and no prior metronidazole use (OR = 1.96; 95% CI = 1.15-3.33); BQT-three-in-one was superior to BQT-Dox (OR = 4.46; 95% CI = 2.51-8.27), and BQT-Tet was marginally superior to BQT-Dox (OR = 1.67; 95% CI = 0.85-3.29).Conclusion: Third-line H pylori eradication with bismuth quadruple treatment (after failure with clarithromycin and levofloxacin) offers acceptable efficacy and safety. Highest efficacy was found in compliant patients and those taking 10-day BQT-three-in-one or 14-day BQT-Tet. Doxycycline seems to be less effective and therefore should not be recommended.Keywords: Helicobacter pylori; Pylera®; bismuth; doxycycline; metronidazole; tetracycline.
[European registry on Helicobacter pylori management (Hp-EuReg) as a tool to evaluate and improve clinical practice in Moscow].
Bordin DS, Voynovan IN, Embutnieks YV, Nyssen OP, Megraud F, O Morain C, Perez-Gisbert J.
Ter Arkh. 2020 Apr 27;92(2):12-18. doi: 10.26442/00403660.2020.02.000567.
PMID: 32598712
European Registry on Helicobacter pylori Management: Effectiveness of First and Second-Line Treatment in SpainMaría Caldas 1 , Ángeles Pérez-Aisa 2 , Manuel Castro-Fernández 3 , Luis Bujanda 4 , Alfredo J Lucendo 5 , Luis Rodrigo 6 , Jose M Huguet 7 , Jorge Pérez-Lasala 8 , Javier Molina-Infante 9 , Jesús Barrio 10 , Luis Fernández-Salazar 11 , Ángel Lanas 12 , Mónica Perona 13 , Manuel Domínguez-Cajal 14 , Juan Ortuño 15 , Blas José Gómez-Rodríguez 16 , Pedro Almela 17 , Josep María Botargués 18 , Óscar Núñez 19 , Inés Modolell 20 , Judith Gómez 21 , Rafael Ruiz-Zorrilla 22 , Cristóbal De la Coba 23 , Alain Huerta 24 , Eduardo Iyo 25 , Liliana Pozzati 26 , Rosario Antón 27 , Mercé Barenys 28 , Teresa Angueira 5 , Miguel Fernández-Bermejo 29 , Ana Campillo 30 , Javier Alcedo 31 , Ramón Pajares-Villaroya 32 , Marianela Mego 33 , Fernando Bermejo 34 , José Luis Dominguez-Jiménez 35 , Llúcia Titó 36 , Nuria Fernández 2 , Manuel Pabón-Carrasco 37 , Ángel Cosme 4 , Pilar Mata-Romero 9 , Noelia Alcaide 11 , Inés Ariño 12 , Tommaso Di Maira 15 , Ana Garre 1 , Ignasi Puig 38 , Olga P Nyssen 1 , Francis Megraud 39 , Colm O'Morain 40 , Javier P Gisbert 1 , Hp-EuReg InvestigatorsAntibiotics (Basel). 2020 Dec 25;10(1):13. doi: 10.3390/antibiotics10010013.
AbstractThe management of Helicobacter pylori infection has to rely on previous local effectiveness due to the geographical variability of antibiotic resistance. The aim of this study was to evaluate the effectiveness of first and second-line H. pylori treatment in Spain, where the empirical prescription is recommended. A multicentre prospective non-interventional registry of the clinical practice of European gastroenterologists concerning H. pylori infection (Hp-EuReg) was developed, including patients from 2013 until June 2019. Effectiveness was evaluated descriptively and through a multivariate analysis concerning age, gender, presence of ulcer, proton-pump inhibitor (PPI) dose, therapy duration and compliance. Overall, 53 Spanish hospitals were included, and 10,267 patients received a first-line therapy. The best results were obtained with the 10-day bismuth single-capsule therapy (95% cure rate by intention-to-treat) and with both the 14-day bismuth-clarithromycin quadruple (PPI-bismuth-clarithromycin-amoxicillin, 91%) and the 14-day non-bismuth quadruple concomitant (PPI-clarithromycin-amoxicillin-metronidazole, 92%) therapies. Second-line therapies were prescribed to 2448 patients, with most-effective therapies being the triple quinolone (PPI-amoxicillin-levofloxacin/moxifloxacin) and the bismuth-levofloxacin quadruple schemes (PPI-bismuth-levofloxacin-amoxicillin) prescribed for 14 days (92%, 89% and 90% effectiveness, respectively), and the bismuth single-capsule (10 days, 88.5%). Compliance, longer duration and higher acid inhibition were associated with higher effectiveness. "Optimized" H. pylori therapies achieve over 90% success in Spain.Keywords: Helicobacter pylori; Spain; first-line; second-line; treatment.
[European registry Helicobacter pylori (Hp-EuReg): how has clinical practice changed in Russia from 2013 to 2018 years].
Bordin DS, Embutnieks YV, Vologzhanina LG, Ilchishina TA, Voynovan IN, Sarsenbaeva AS, Zaitsev OV, Alekseenko SA, Abdulkhakov RA, Dehnich NN, Osipenko MF, Livzan MA, Tsukanov VV, Burkov SG, Bakulina NV, Plotnikova EY, Tarasova LV, Maev IV, Kucheryavyi YA, Baryshnikova NV, Butov MA, Kolbasnikov SV, Pakhomova AL, Zhestkova TV, Baranovsky AY, Abdulhakov SR, Ageeva EA, Lyalyukova EA, Vasyutin AV, Golubev NN, Savilova IV, Morkovkina LV, Kononova AG, Megraud F, O'Morain C, Ramas M, Nyssen OP, McNicholl AG, Gisbert JP.
Ter Arkh. 2019 Feb 15;91(2):16-24. doi: 10.26442/00403660.2019.02.000156. PMID: 32598623
Spanish primary care survey on the management of Helicobacter pylori infection and dyspepsia: Information, attitudes, and decisions.
McNicholl AG, Amador J, Ricote M, Cañones-Garzón PJ, Gene E, Calvet X, Gisbert JP; Spanish Primary Care Societies SEMFyC; SEMERGEN and SEMG, the Spanish Association of Gastroenterology; OPTICARE Long-Term Educational Project.
Helicobacter. 2019 Aug;24(4):e12593. doi: 10.1111/hel.12593. Epub 2019 May 20. PMID: 31111627
Protocol of the European Registry on the management of Helicobacter pylori infection (Hp-EuReg).
McNicholl AG, O'Morain CA, Megraud F, Gisbert JP; As Scientific Committee of the Hp-Eureg on Behalf of the National Coordinators.
Helicobacter. 2019 Oct;24(5):e12630. doi: 10.1111/hel.12630. Epub 2019 Jul 8. PMID: 31282060
[Pan-European Registry on Helicobacter pylori management. Results from Ferencváros, Budapest, 2013-2019].
Buzás GM, Nyssen OP, Mégraud F, O'Morain C, Gisbert JP.
Orv Hetil. 2019 Nov;160(47):1856-1863. doi: 10.1556/650.2019.31553. PMID: 31736344
European Registry on the management of Helicobacter pylori infection (Hp-EuReg): analysis of 2360 patients receiving first-line therapy in Russia.
Bordin DS, Embutnieks YV, Vologzhanina LG, Il'chishina TA, Voinovan IN, Sarsenbaeva AS, Alekseenko SA, Zaitsev OV, Abdulkhakov RA, Osipenko MF, Livzan MA, Tsukanov VV, Burkov SG, Bakulina NV, Dekhnich NN, Tarasova LV, Plotnikova EY, Maev IV, Kucheryavyi YA, Baryshnikova NV, Butov MA, Kolbasnikov SV, Pakhomova AL, Zhestkova TV, Baranovskii AY, Abdulkhakov SR, Ageeva EA, Lyalyukova EA, Vasyutin AV, Golubev NN, Savilova IV, Morkovkina LV, Kononova AG, Megraud F, O'Morain C, Ramas M, Nyssen OP, McNicholl AG, Gisbert JP.
Ter Arkh. 2018 Feb 15;90(2):35-42. doi: 10.26442/terarkh201890235-42. PMID: 30701770
Estudio y tratamiento de las causas subyacentesdel Reflujo gastroesofágico refractario
Investigador Principal
Ensayo clínico aleatorizado para evaluar la eficacia de las bebidas carbonatadas en el manejo de la impactación esofágica alimentaria.
Unravelling the coeliac inmunome during disease outcome (coeliacinmunome).
Utilidad de las mediciones realizadas con una sonda de imagen luminal funcional (ENDOFLIP®) en las dilataciones esofágicas por estenosis benignas.
Escala de limpieza para la endoscopia digestiva de alta calidad
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