Asociación Española
de Gastroenterología
Coordinador: Pilar García Iglesias
[European Registry on the management of Helicobacter pylori infection: features of diagnosis and treatment in Kazan].
2020 1161
Ter Arkh.
Número de registro del estudio
PMID: 33346462

[European Registry on the management of Helicobacter pylori infection: features of diagnosis and treatment in Kazan].

Abdulkhakov SR, Bordin DS, Abdulkhakov RA, Safina DD, Gizdatullina AR, Gimadieva LZ, Safina GM, Ziyatdinov AI, Maturina AM, Nyssen OP, Megraud F, O'Morain C, Perez-Gisbert J.

Ter Arkh. 2020 Sep 3;92(8):52-59. doi: 10.26442/00403660.2020.08.000758.

PMID: 33346462 

Abstract in English, Russian

Background: As part of an observational multicenter prospective study European Registry on the management of Helicobacter pylori infection, conducted on the initiative of the European H. pylori and Microbiota Study Group, the compliance of clinical practice in the management of patients with Helicobacter pylori infection in Kazan with clinical guidelines was assessed.

Materials and methods: The data of 437 patients included into the register by clinical sites in Kazan in 20132019 were analyzed. The methods used for the initial diagnosis of H. pylori infection and eradication control were evaluated. The frequency of various eradication therapy regimens prescription was analyzed in 379 cases. Data regarding the effectiveness of eradication therapy was analyzed in 173 patients.

Results: The rapid urease test (44.2% of cases) and cytology/histology (60% of cases) were most often used for the initial diagnosis of H. pylori infection; however non-invasive methods such as 13C-urea breath (9.2%), serology (6.2%), H. pylori stool antigen test (2.3%) were less common. In 21.7% of patients two methods of H. pylori detection were used for primary diagnosis. The control test to evaluate the effectiveness of eradication therapy at the recommended timepoint was performed in 46.2% of patients. 13C-urea breath test (31.7%), stool PCR/stool antigen test (28.7%), rapid urease test (22.3%), cytology/histology (26.2% of cases) prevailed in the assessment of eradication rate. Standard triple therapy, including proton pump inhibitor, clarithromycin and amoxicillin was most commonly prescribed as first-line therapy (64.6% of cases). The duration of eradication therapy was 14 days in the majority of cases with pantoprazole as the most common proton pump inhibitor in standard triple therapy regimens (84.8%). The efficacy of 14-day standard triple therapy (mITT) was 87.0%.

Conclusion: The results indicate a high frequency of non-invasive methods use for assessing the effectiveness of eradication therapy; however, the overall rate of eradication efficacy assessment is low, limiting the possibility of analyzing the eradication results. The effectiveness of the most common 14-day standard triple first-line therapy in Kazan doesnt reach the recommended 90% eradication level. This could be explained by high rate of pantoprazole use, which is not an optimal proton pump inhibitor in eradication therapy regimens.

Keywords: Helicobacter pylori; Hp-EuReg; bismuth tripotassium dicitrate; eradication therapy; registry.