Asociación Española
de Gastroenterología
Coordinador: Pilar García Iglesias
European Registry on the management of Helicobacter pylori infection (Hp-EuReg): analysis of 2360 patients receiving first-line therapy in Russia.
2018 1190
Ter Arkh.
Número de registro del estudio
PMID: 30701770

European Registry on the management of Helicobacter pylori infection (Hp-EuReg): analysis of 2360 patients receiving first-line therapy in Russia.

Bordin DS, Embutnieks YV, Vologzhanina LG, Il'chishina TA, Voinovan IN, Sarsenbaeva AS, Alekseenko SA, Zaitsev OV, Abdulkhakov RA, Osipenko MF, Livzan MA, Tsukanov VV, Burkov SG, Bakulina NV, Dekhnich NN, Tarasova LV, Plotnikova EY, Maev IV, Kucheryavyi YA, Baryshnikova NV, Butov MA, Kolbasnikov SV, Pakhomova AL, Zhestkova TV, Baranovskii AY, Abdulkhakov SR, Ageeva EA, Lyalyukova EA, Vasyutin AV, Golubev NN, Savilova IV, Morkovkina LV, Kononova AG, Megraud F, O'Morain C, Ramas M, Nyssen OP, McNicholl AG, Gisbert JP.

Ter Arkh. 2018 Feb 15;90(2):35-42. doi: 10.26442/terarkh201890235-42. PMID: 30701770


Aim: European Registry on the management of Helicobacter pylori infection («Hp-EuReg») - a multicenter prospective observational study initiated by the European Helicobacter and Microbiota Study Group, conducted in 27 European countries in order to evaluate the real clinical practice of diagnosis and treatment of H. pylori and its comparison with international recommendations.

Materials and methods: The analysis of 2360 patients entered in the register by the Russian centres of «Hp-EuReg» in 2013-2017, who were underwent 1st line eradication therapy.

Results: The most common methods of primary diagnosis of H. pylori are histological (37.7%), rapid urease test (29.2%) and serology (29.7%). The duration of eradication therapy in 9.4% of cases was 7 days, in 65.3% - 10 days, and in 25.3% - 14 days. To control the effec- tiveness of treatment, H. pylori antigen in feces (31.3%), urea breath test (23.4%) and histological method (23.3%) were used. In 3.6% cases was used serology by mistake. In 17.3% of patients control was not carried out. The effectiveness of triple therapy with a PPI, amoxicillin, clar- ithromycin (per protocol) was 67.6%, with 7-day course, 81.1% at 10-day and 86.7% at 14-day course. Eradication rate of triple therapy with addition of bismuth (per protocol) reached 90,6% in the group receiving 10-day scheme and 93.6% in the group receiving the 14-day treatment.

Conclusion: Significant deviations of clinical practice from expert recommendations, most pronounced at the stage of monitoring the effectiveness of therapy, were noted. The suboptimal efficacy of triple therapy is shown.

Keywords: Helicobacter pylori; Hp-EuReg; eradication therapy; register.